What can help you have a confident bladder
How the bladder works
Why the bladder misbehaves
Where’s the bathroom?
To help you avoid the double void, contract your pelvic muscles a few times, very gently, after you’re done peeing. This sends a message from your brain to your bladder that you’re done using the bathroom, and it’s time to hold.
Sometimes women come back to the toilet immediately after peeing. This is known as a “double void”, and it’s actually unnecessary. The bladder is constantly refilling throughout the day but only needs to be emptied when it’s full.
Avoid the Double Void
What is a double void and how can I avoid it?
Absorb a faster outflow of liquidMade with special materials that pull urine away from skin and into padChanges the PH of urine so less odorLike menstrual pads, available in a variety of sizes, lengths, and absorbencies
Menstrual Pads
Absorb a slow flowDesigned for blood not urineUrine rolls off rather than being pulled in
The main difference between menstrual pads and bladder control pads is the type of fluid they’re designed to absorb.
It may not seem possible, but with the right materials thin pads go farther than you might think to get the job done. If you need a little extra assurance, choose from the incontinence-style products.
Bladder Control Pads
A general guide is to drink when thirsty, and drink enough to make about a cup of pee every 3-4 hours.
activity level
The 8x8 Myth
How much water should I drink each day?
the weather
body type
What is the 20 second rule?
is healthy
How Confident
is Your Bladder?
20 Second Rule
What color should pee be?
Colorless pee
• Learn about different bladder patterns
• Download and print a bladder diary
• Track your pattern and learn how to have
a confident bladder
What color should my pee be?
Track your hydration
you may be dehydrated
Orange or amber pee
On average, you should pee:
• Every 3-4 hours
• 20 second long pee stream
(about 1 cup of liquid)
you may be drinking more water than
your body needs
Sometimes we feel the urge to urinate, even when we don't have to go.
Give your bladder a calming message.
The key is to anticipate your triggers and calm your bladder with gentle tighten and release actions of the pelvic muscles.
Do 4 or 5 gentle tighten and releases actions of your pelvic muscles when you anticipate an urge to go.
This isn’t an exercise…you’re just calming your bladder with a few gentle, tighten and release actions of the pelvic muscles.
Know your triggers.
Talk with your healthcare provider if you're unsure how to tighten your pelvic muscles.
Anticipate urges.
Common triggers include arriving home, running water, and feeling anxious.
…how is this different from Kegels...
One way to understand this strong urge to pee, even when your bladder may not be full, is to think of your bladder as a hyperactive puppy...it can be very demanding!
This is Clara. She finds it very annoying to live with the constant feeling of having to pee and always having to plot the location of the nearest bathroom.